Rulebook of Youth Dialogue Forum

Every game needs it's rules. Find out more about the principles, selection criteria and systems in this YDF Rulebook

General principles

  1. Openness. Anyone can join the discussion because we value open mindedness and transparency.
  2. Fairness. The vote of each participant in the discussion has equal weight.
  3. Mutual respect and kindness. Hatespeech and malicious speech does not belong in the forum.

Basic rules of YDF

  1. Youth Dialogue Forum (YDF) consists of two digital DEMDIS discussions and a live deliberative event.
  2. YDF will be held in Poland, Slovakia and Czech republic.
  3. Digital discussions will be conducted in a semi centralized system. This means that each participant will contribute to the same synchronized digital discussion and enter into an international dialogue.
  4. YDF is open to two kinds of players:
     a) Participants of the first digital discussion,
     b) Community Ambassadors of the YDF.
  5. Each participating community with its Ambassador will recieve a custom link for the first digital discussion. This will enable us to provide them custom results in their community and compare them on an international level.
  6. The gamification elements (point attribution and evaluation) are related to the first digital DEMDIS discussion.

Participant selection to the live deliberation

Change of the rule - 3. a) II.
Based on the decision of the coordination team made on 2nd of September 2024 16 places for participants are divided:
 • 5 places for Poland;
 • 6 places for Czech republic;
 • 5 places for Slovakia
Reason: during the first digital discussion only 5 people registered from Poland. That's why we equally divided 2 vacant places between Czechia and Slovakia.
  1. YDF will climax in a live deliberative weekend in Kraków on 20. to 22. September 2024.
  2. Selected participants will have their travel, accomodation and catering costs covered.
  3. The forum will consist of 20 participants selected from the 1st digital DEMDIS discussion:
     a) 16 participants will be selected by a randomized stratified selection.
      I. The most active participants will be part of the national pool of candidates for the live forum.
      II. 16 places for participants are divided proportionally for each country:
       • 7 places for Poland;
       • 5 places for Czech republic;
       • 4 places for Slovakia.
      III. Final invitations will be sent to randomly selected participants from each country’s national pool.
      IV. In the light of the topic of youth participation, elligible participants for these 16 slots muste be between 18 to 30 years.
     b) 4 slots for participants will be attibuted to the Ambassadors of the YDF with the most points from the 1st digital DEMDIS discussion.
  4. The YDF organizational team will create a list of substitutes based on the general principles and gamification system.

Rules of the civic game

YDF values meaningful and active participation. For this reason the forum contains various gamification elements for Participants and Ambassadors.

Game for Participants

  1. Each participant that will vote on more than 35 statements in the 1st digital DEMDIS discussion will recieve an invitation to fill in the registration form for the live deliberation event.
  2. Each participant which will successfuly fill in the registration form and fulfill the elligibility criteria will be added to the national pools of candidates for the invitation to the live deliberation event.

Game for Ambassadors

  1. Elligibility criteria for the status of YDF Ambassador:
      • 18 years or older,
      • is a member of a formal or a part of an informal community or civic organization,
      • has the capacity to engage it’s commnuity in the digital discussions,
      • one community or organization can have only one Ambassador as its representative,
      • filled in the brief registration form for the Ambassador status.
  2. Each Ambassador:
     a) will recieve it’s community discussion link through which he/she will engage it’s community.
     b) will be attibuted points which are equal to the number of votes from their link (community). This method combines the appreciation of qualitative and quantitative participation - it’s not a “popularity contest”.
  3. After the closure of the 1st digital DEMDIS discussion, the organizational team will create a scoreboard of the most successful Ambassadors.
  4. Ambassadors which will be placed on the first 4 places will automatically recieve an personalized invitation to the live deliberative event.
  5. If the Ambassador declines the personalized invitation, it will be transferred to the next Ambassador in the scoreboard order.
Úspešne ste sa prihlásili na odber DEMDIS
Skvelé! Potom dokončite platbu, aby ste získali úplný prístup ku všetkému prémiovému obsahu.
Chyba! Nepodarilo sa prihlásiť. neplatný odkaz.
Vitaj späť! Úspešne ste sa prihlásili.
Chyba! Nepodarilo sa prihlásiť. Skúste to znova.
Úspech! Váš účet je plne aktivovaný, teraz máte prístup ku všetkému obsahu.
Chyba! Platba v pruhoch zlyhala.
Úspech! Vaše fakturačné údaje sú aktualizované.
Chyba! Aktualizácia fakturačných údajov zlyhala.